
Hi! My name is Cynthia and I'm the sole proprietor of SystacynsJewels, along with my youngest granddaughter Sevena who loves to come with me to vendor events to help out. I currently live in Atwater but I did reside in Mariposa with my four sons, Danny, Albert, Jesse & Frankie Romero, and ex-husband for almost 10 years from 85 to 94. The boys are grown now and we all still have a great love for Mariposa. These past few years I have discovered gemstones and the beautiful jewelry, keychains, fan pulls & yard art I can make with them. Whilst working with gems I've discovered their healing properties and a general ZEN feeling I get while working. I love the feel of the gemstones in my hands and the time always flys by when creating a new piece. 

I look forward to returning to Mariposa for this festival and am proud to be a part of the history of the Mariposa Butterfly Festival 2022. I especially look forward to meeting all of YOU!

 Thank you!!

Systacyn aka Cynthia