Modern Ministries
�(Modern Ministries is unlike any other ministry, the main goal of this ministry is love. All you have to believe in is, love. Every service rendered is done so in love and light. Modern Ministries focus' on modern families and newer cultures.
Looking for a modern type of wedding ceremony for your special day? Look no further, Modern Ministries will work closely with you to make sure your wedding ceremony is just as special and unique as your love for each other.

Don't just have fun at the reception, have a great time at the ceremony first, and inspire your guests. Minister Nick specializes in ceremonies that are warm and funny, and that inspire and light the hearts of all your guests. Don't settle for a boring ceremony where you can barely hear the officiant and everyone is playing on their phone

Let Minister Nick bring some love and laughter to your ceremony with fun add in's to highlight your culture or religious background. Hear vows uniquely made about the couple to remind guests the joy of being in love! Experience the love in your modern wedding ceremony with Minister Nick Arbia from Modern Ministries.