Best Day Ever


… a mother-daughter team working to give you your best day ever. We are your Celebration Specialists!

It was the planning of Katie's wedding that brought us closer and made us think 'hey, we work well together!'. A most unlikely match, we endured a typically turbulent mother-daughter relationship for most of Katie’s upbringing. We have very opposite personalities; ones that can easily attract as adults but cruelly clashed during Katie’s youth, especially through those teenage years (when mom knows nothing at all)!

This friction may have had something to do with Katie’s swift move out of the house the minute she graduated from high school. And that was a good thing for all! Almost immediately, we began to get along ever so much better. (Turns out mom does know a thing or two 😉.) There have of course been ups and downs, as there always are for the young adult making her way in this crazy world, and for the mom who has to stand by and watch. But once she was engaged and we started talking about wedding plans for realsies, we found that our differing personalities serve us quite well as we work together toward a common goal.

While there were thankfully no crises throughout the planning process or on their wedding day, the experience was not without its difficulties. Namely, the budget, family dynamics, the weather, and a few acute disappointments. We were flexible and adaptable, though, and were able to keep level heads through it all, which we think makes us perfect for this job.

Still, planning their wedding was such a positive experience. Why not do this for other people? The process came so easily to us and we have learned so much along the way, as we planned her wedding, the 20+ weddings over the last two years, and also as we both played parts in other weddings over the years. Between the two of us, we have baked wedding cakes and cupcakes, designed invitation suites, put together favors and centerpieces, decorated venues, photographed the event, cooked and cleaned up, and given comfort and compassion wherever it was needed most. We love the things that make each person and couple unique and we want to embrace those things to give you your best day ever!

As long as each couple has an amazing day, as long as the experience exceeds your expectations, and as long as you have zero worries on your big day, we will have done our job.