Blissfully Abroad Travel

Welcome sweet friend! I’m Alexis, the visionary behind Blissfully Abroad Travel. I am so glad you found me! I thought it might be good for you to get to know me a bit before we set off planning your destination wedding or honeymoon together. 

My passion for travel & wedding design started in 2016. What began as a small notepad full of scribbled ideas evolved into a vision of creating unique, beautiful weddings & honeymoons for couples in love. Over the years it has flourished into what it is today —Blissfully Abroad Travel.

My heart for your wedding or honeymoon is to put together something that is beautiful, stress-free, and wholly you. Weddings are such an intimate event and should be a true reflection of the couple’s own character. From acting as creative director, to finding the perfect vendor pairings, to managing all the large scale logistics, my hands are in every little detail.

I work with a select number of clients every year to ensure that I am able to execute your needs with precision. I am with you every step of the way, helping make sure no detail has gone unnoticed and ensuring an enchanting experience for your guests. 

My custom-tailored Travel Planning & Support Package includes: