Pine Needle Basketry


Pine Needle Basketry (also known as Pine Needle Coilworks) is by me, Nancy McKeown, a basket maker, graphic artist, and a relatively recent Mariposa transplant since moving here from Santa Cruz, CA in 2019. My inspiration for both basketry and graphic design comes from the magical life adventures I have been fortunate to experience—most notably, living aboard and sailing a small boat on long ocean passages throughout the South Pacific for many years. Having used functional and decorative nautical knots during those years, I was drawn to the similarities in island basketry techniques that I encountered, which led finally, in a roundabout way, to the art of pine needle basketry—a medium that reflects both the traditions of hands-on artisan craft and the creativity and imagination of fine art.

Coiled with pine needles collected after they have naturally fallen to the ground (or from downed trees), then processed (washed, dried, dyed, and/or treated with glycerin) and handstitched with various waxed cords or threads, most pine needle creations take as much as 40 hours or more to craft—truly labors of love that I hope might be enjoyed by others for many years to come.

Please don't hesitate to ask me about:
• Pre-made baskets available for purchase
• The "Coiled Pine Needle Basketry Stitch List" book I wrote and published (currently available on Amazon)
• Gift Ideas for weddings, birthdays, other special occasions
• Commissioned basketry