Friends of Granger Paths

We are a group of volunteers who have a vision of community connected by multi-use paths and greenways. FGP originated 5 years ago with the Granger Community Planning Council-residents working with County Councilman Dale Devon to define a vision for Granger. This group found that residents wanted to be able to safely walk, ride bikes or run to destinations within Granger boundaries and to our neighboring communities of South Bend and Mishawaka.

Since that time we have met with government agencies and officials, held community meetings, and advocated for a variety of projects. We’ve learned a lot and we have had great successes:
The sidewalks that are being installed in “Downtown Granger” are a result of our advocacy. If FGP had not advocated for them, there wouldn’t be any.
The multiuse path/greenway that will be included in the Gumwood Road expansion are a result of our advocacy (residents in the area will be able to walk or ride their bikes to shopping, the soccer fields and Knollwood safely).
The portion of Elm Road that has a multiuse path is because of FGP’s advocacy.
Adams Road from SR 23 to Gumwood is included in Michiana Area Council of Government’s 2035 Transportation plan to have multiuse paths/greenway.