Event Name:
SCORE Connect Live (May)

Event Date:
Event Time:
05:00 PM - 08:00 PM CST
Nashville Entreprneur Center
41 Peabody St
Nashville, TN 37210
Contact Person:
Michele Schulman
(phone: 615-516-8956)

“The way we gather matters. Gatherings consume our days and help determine the kind of world we live in and shape the way we think, feel and make sense of our world.”


SCORE Nashville started this LIVE event to allow chapter clients and potential clients to forge meaningful and authentic connections. This is an opportunity to network with other Mentors, SMEs (Subjethct Matter Experts), current and new clients, potential new volunteers, participate in in-person group mentoring, and build your professional network.



5:00 to 6:00 pm                     Networking – Appetizers and drinks

6:00 to 7:30 pm                     Client group mentoring - Mentors/SME’s

7:30 to 8:00 pm                     Networking and wrap-up


At the Nashville Entrepreneur Center

41 Peabody St.

Nashville 37210


Important Parking Information

Parking at the EC is free with parking validation. Please note that all parking spots are first come, first served and we share the lot with muliple other businesses.


Parking Directions:


Future SCORE Connect Live Dates are:

            Tuesday, July 16th.................Tuesday, September 17th.................Tuesday, November 19th

Register Here