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Dear Jan and Nichole
I want to congratulate you on the 4th (6th) of July issue of the Booster. All of the articles and photographs of Sierra County's Holiday happenings, on both sides of the hill, were great. From pre-school graduation to a 99th Birthday, and to Tim Beals' retirement from 50 years -OMG- of being Sierra County's "Director of Everything". WoW, keep up that superb coverage!
A note of concern; Amid the "friendly banter" (LOL!) between us "Marxist Democrats" and those "Cranky Conservatives" (LOL again!), those 2 notable gentlemen from Outer Loyalton have been missed. Two issues have now passed without seeing their screed. And without that, there is the loss of our ability to straighten them out. I am certainly hopeful that they are merely on vacation somewhere, and not ill... If they are (physically) ill, I for one wish them a Speedy Recovery!
✌️😎 Russell Rosewood, Calpine

Submitted: 07/09/23
Article By: Sierra Booster