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January 4, 2024

Mr. Marx dreamed of the day when “Society will inscribe on its banners:
“From each according to his abilities, to each according to his needs.” -That was back in 1875.
Before Capitalists invented internal compulsion engines, and found oil!!
What was in need in 1875? And who delivered?
I ask that 'cause I am not as bright as Mr. Marx, and I can't figure how in hell I'm gonna get what I want in his world.
I guess the plan is to just hang out someplace and show 'um you need somethin', and Bingo, you get it - like living in San Francisco.
Ya doesn't gotta move to a different country folks. Just take the bridge from Marin Co., to S.F. You can be anything you want at Alice's Restaurant.
(Excepting Alice).
Feets, Portola

Hi Jan,
Thanks for keeping up the tradition of this paper!
Laura & Joe Nelson

I am enjoying the newspaper each issue. Did you know I bought my first chickens from the Robertis in 1976? We actually moved them to Seiad Valley in 1979! Mildred (the Banty hen) supplied us with plenty of families of roosters.
Sheryl Allen, Seiad Valley, CA
(Daughter of the late Joan Jennings)

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! We love our local paper.
Roland & Michelle DeBerg

To the Editor:
The third anniversary of January 6th is a solemn reminder that we cannot take our fundamental freedoms for granted, including our right to vote and choose our leaders. Despite the fact that Donald
Trump is facing charges for inciting the January 6th insurrection and conspiring to overturn the will of
voters in 2020, he is still running for president. Too much is at stake for the American people to allow Trump to take back power.
Preserving our democracy takes work—and this year, we must all do our part. Trump and his allies pose an urgent threat to our democracy, our fundamental freedoms, and the rule of law. It's up to all of us to ensure they do not return to power.
We deserve better in this country. Whatever political party you favor, I ask you ~ don't blindly vote for the party. Look at the morals and ethics of each candidate. Vote for the person and their platform.
Kathee Hansen, Truckee, CA

Dear Editor,
As I contemplate my 2023, what I am thankful for and my wishes for 2024, a common theme unfolds…Human Connections and how very important and valuable they are. Those face-to-face visits, gatherings, meals, hugs, walks, heart-to-heart talks, real human connections are what matter most and meet our human needs in so many ways. From the most basic DNA levels of our brain development and parental bonding to our last breaths of life on this planet, it is human connections that get us through.
We are in the midst of a crisis that is allowing technology to steal our precious time and tell us what we need, how we feel, what we should fear, eat, look like, and be. It's been infiltrating our lives for several decades now. Slowly we have been led to believe that we are more productive and happier because of all the conveniences, information, entertainment, and connections our devices now provide. Online connections have gone from the ability to share family photos to social media platforms pushing out violence and anger to millions of people at the touch of key 24 hours a day. But while the tech companies have become billionaires the research is finally able to reveal the truth about just how they have used us for their gain.
Have you read the Chaos Machine by Max Fisher? It outlines the history of the internet from its beginning when it was the most amazing invention ever because it allowed us to instantly connect with almost
everyone, every idea, every bit of knowledge there ever was. The book also explains how the investors of this new “risk” business were Venture Capitalists that demanded Permanent Exponential Growth or PEG. Instead of a constant percentage of profit, they negotiated a percentage to increase exponentially which can only happen by human's use of technology to increase constantly and forever. Headline news is around algorithms and alternative intelligence. Computers have taught the tech industry how to keep us humans on our devices for longer and longer periods of time. The computers that work 24 hours a day, don't have to sleep, eat, work, or raise children have learned about what content keeps us glued to the screens. The algorithms are programmed to dial up that content and customize it to the user. It happens constantly and seamlessly so that we don't realize it.
The news is also starting to show headlines around the amplified harm that the tech industry has been propagating on all of us, but especially on our youth. Social media companies use harmful content, dopamine and time-stealing algorithms, which youth are highly susceptible to. They foster the sense that bad tech habits such as being on social media for an average of five-plus hours a day are acceptable societal norms, and they purposefully addict us.
Consider the impacts on our families, schools, and communities as the mental health issues of our children have risen to a historical high. Kids are bumping into increasing violent and sexual content on top of dealing with rampant bullying. All this “connectedness” is resulting in increased loneliness, depression, and anxiety. Coping and communication skills have plummeted.
I have been passionate about the topic for a long time and try to keep up with the ever-changing landscape of technology's impacts on us humans. It scares me and at the same time fascinates me. It is not all doom and gloom. That amazing invention continues to be a wonderful source of education and entertainment. We just need to take our control and time back for the things that really matter and are good for us. My wish for 2024…more time for human connections.
Vickie Clark, Calpine

"ADOPT A HYDRANT" in your neighborhood and take responsibility to clear snow 3 feet in all directions from the hydrant, keeping it visible from the street.

Submitted: 01/04/24
Article By: Sierra Booster