Press Release


To The Editor:
In the March 9th issue of the Booster you printed an article about this year's near-record snowpack in the Sierra. If this is true, why are the cloud seeding planes still droning overhead?
Tom Nolte
Portola, CA
(Ed's Note: From US Energy Information Administration, dated 3/22/17, “California has experienced record levels of precipitation this winter, and unlike last winter, cooler temperatures over the 2016–2017 winter season have enabled the precipitation to build up snowpack (the total accumulated snow and ice on the ground).” We found no information on current cloud seeding.Plumas County Clerk of the Board, Nancy DaForna replied, “Not at all,” when asked about any recent cloud seeding. She noted PG&E having seeded a long time ago over Lake Almanor.
Sierra County Chief Deputy Clerk-Recorder Melissa Kinneer located two letters from the High Desert Institute which were placed on the BOS agendas back in 2004 & 2005 yet she states, “doesn't appear any action was taken on either item.”
Justin Broglio, Communications Officer, Desert Research Institute wrote us, “DRI does not do any aircraft cloud seeding in the Sierra Nevada or the Tahoe/Truckee region. Our ground-based program, which is focused on the Truckee River watershed and not in your area, was temporally suspended this year due to the large winter. Prior to the first big atmospheric river in early January, our meteorologist and cloud-seeding teams suspended operations on January 3, 2017.”

Dare I Say 'The Key to Victory'
Lately, we've heard disturbing news about a nude photo scandal involving US Marines. Apparently, senior leaders were aware of this matter since 2013 and did nothing.
Not to be outdone, the Navy's also dealing with its own sex and bribery (Fat Leonard) scandal, involving nine active and retired officers, including an admiral.
Such incidents should make all of us wonder what's going on within our military. Are these simply isolated instances or is there an undercurrent of misbehavior more pervasive than we care to imagine?
Frankly, relying upon a 26-year military career and several command assignments, I'd say there's been a significant decline in military order and discipline, most likely across all the services.
As a squadron commander at one particular air base, I was required to perform periodic inspections of my young airman's on-base quarters. I was shocked by what I saw. Spit dripping down common-use stairwell walls, hundreds of empty beer cans, liquor bottles and pizza boxes strewn across the grounds, forbidden earrings in ears, improper wear of the uniform, including no required cover when outside, failure to render proper military courtesies, take-out food containers overflowing in trash receptacles and stuffed in a public toilet, music blasting across the courtyard from speakers placed in dorm windows and doorways, a BBQ grill illegally cooking food on a second floor balcony, and vehicles parked on grass and shrubbery despite legal postings forbidding entry.
Yes, sadly, all true. After several attempts, the commanding general and senior enlisted advisor begrudgingly called for an All Hands formation and offered a half-hearted chewing out. To my dismay, even the 1st Sergeants Group showed no interest. Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse, Fat Leonard, USMC nude photo scandal, and cheating during Minuteman Missile emergency war order testing. These and other documented incidences should give us all reason to be concerned.
So, what's causing this apparent decline in good order and discipline? Perhaps it's the prevailing 'don't rock the boat' attitude among military leadership, preferring not to draw unnecessary negative attention and possibly compromising a coveted promotion or assignment. Or, there's the reluctance to offend the all-volunteer force for fear they may not reenlist. For some, it's just easier to accept the lower standards of behavior often found in the public sector. And finally, no kidding, it may boil down to sheer laziness by those in positions of leadership.
Although the problem is quite serious, the solution is rather simple. Senior military leadership must send a clear, unequivocal message to all troops, officer and enlisted alike, that failure to maintain good order and discipline will not be tolerated. It must hold those in positions of command directly accountable and responsible for the enforcement of the highest personal and professional standards of conduct. Violations should be prosecuted, as appropriate, to the fullest extent possible.
Dare I Say, all the fancy, high priced weapon systems in the world will never replace a well-trained, well-disciplined fighting force…the key to victory on the battlefield. Please support the US Air Force Monument project (
Pete Stiglich (Colonel Pete),Colonel, USAF, Retired
Cottonwood, CA 96022

Trump is frantically trying to make Republicans afraid. This has worked well so far, as many are still supporting him. I know I am asking the impossible but, Republicans, please try some reality. You actually have a better chance of being shot by a toddler (happens almost once a week in the US) than being injured or killed by a terrorist. Perhaps we should ban toddlers.
Don McKechnie

FAKE President, yes America is happy Obama is gone, get over it you liberal socialist Democrats, YOU LOST! In your current state of mental health, recognizing you have a problem is the first step to recovery, denying this problem will only exasperate your mental condition called FLSP, “Failed Liberal Socialist Policies” of which the American People resoundingly rejected. Facts show that 88% of the media was against President Trump during the election hence their status as FAKE news as they continue distorting the facts in his joint address to congress February 28th 2017. We now have a President who supports and defends American values i.e. protecting the Constitution, Bill of Rights, borders and enforcing the much neglected rule of law, insuring that we remain a sovereign nation. If these actions make President Trump a hate filled man, then sixty three million Americans made the right choice. According to the Rasmussen Reports daily Presidential Tracking Poll Friday March 3rd 2017 shows that 53% of Likely U.S. Voters approve of President Trump's job performance. Forty-seven percent 47% disapprove, GEE, I wonder who that could be? By the way, new results/research show the final tally of the 2016 election in the popular vote was in fact President Trump with 62,972.226 versus the now irrelevant Hillary Clintons 62,277.750, Electoral College remains the same with President Trump 306 and “What's her name 232.” Socialism the philosophy of failure, the creed of ignorance and the gospel of envy. Sir Winton Churchill
Michael H. Welbourn, Loyalton

Submitted: 03/23/17
Article By: not specified