Press Release

Copper Five Timber Harvest Plan

There are some distinct community concerns regarding the "ready to be approved" Copren Five Timber Harvest Plan on 484 acres, just west of Calpine.

1. What are the "Measurable Means" to assess the damage to our roads, prior to, during, and after the completion of this 5 year logging operation
A. Is/will the County be responsible for all repairs - or will the logging company?
B. What is the time frame for damage assessment, and how soon would repairs be made?

2. Who will assure the safety of logging travel through our community, between April 1st and November 15th (from before 7am, until after 5:30pm - Monday through Friday), for the next 5 years?

3. There are mis-statements regarding Copren Five THP water ownership and use for this project.
A. Copren Five, and it's owners have no water rights or adjudicated portion of Fletcher Creek or the Calpine Reservoir.
B. Regardless of Copren Five's claims of "Ownership and Control" of the hydrant that Sierra County Waterworks District 1 Calpine water flows through, they have no approval to use this water for 5 years of "dust control".
C. Fletcher Creek water has other adjudicated users that most likely want their full water allotment.
D. Our local Fire District has no ownership of Calpine Reservoir, nor the outflow at the hydrant. The Calpine Water District allows the use of this water for Fire District training purposes and emergency use. Except in a fire emergency, the Fire District is prohibited from using our "potable water" hydrants.
(Perhaps Mr. Copren, as a Director of the Fire District improperly believes that he can utilize water that isn't his to proffer.)
E. The logging planned to the sides, above, and below the Calpine Reservoir, and across Fletcher Creek (which runs through the lower logging zone) will be a detriment to the adjudicated flows and uses.
F. Who will be responsible for the remediation of the silting of the Calpine Reservoir and Fletcher Creek, as well as the other impacts stated in the THP (organic debris and chemical contamination)?

4. There is another access to the logging sites that use fires roads instead of community roads.

October 5th, 2017 is the latest date to submit your concerns to the: All "re: the Copren Five THP

Fire Practice Program Manager (530)224-2445
6105 Airport Road Redding CA 96002

Calif. Water Quality Board
Justin Lanier (530)224-2050

Calif. Dept. of Fish and Wildlife
Sarah Lose (916)358-2853

Calif. Geological Survey
Don Lindsay (530)224-9312

Jon Woessner (530)224-2438

Thank You for caring about Calpine! Please fwd this to all who would care...
Russell Rosewood
Leroy Miller

Submitted: 10/02/17
Article By: not specified