Press Release


Dear Editor and Board of Supervisors:
California is well known for its outrageous and inexplicable legislative acts that range into the ridiculous, illegal, and unconstitutional. This is the California that:
Is pushing a bullet train that is under speed, over cost, ignores the wishes of the voters and tax payers, and benefits the financial interests of the family or our federal senator.
Levies a fire tax, and calls it a fee.
Refuses to spend allocated bond money on repairs and maintenance on the Oroville dam while using state dollars and resources to drill for oil on the governor's personal property.
Passes unconstitutional gun and ammunition control laws restricting the rights of the citizens.
Imposes agency regulations that drive job-providing businesses out of the state.
Continues to raise gas taxes and vehicle fees to finance legislators' pet programs.
Makes unconstitutional and illegal agreements with foreign powers.
Supports an unconstitutional and illegal secession from the United States.
Has legislators currently serving prison sentences for illegal schemes, who have resigned from office for lewd behavior, and who openly brag that their illegal immigrant relatives are living and working in the state using stolen Social Security numbers.
Tolerates sanctuary cities where murders are going unpunished.
This is the same California that now demands that our county honor it's unconstitutional and illegal sanctuary state law, which, in actuality, is null and void based on Article I, Section 8, Clause 4 of the U.S. Constitution.
I have had enough, many citizens of Sierra County have had enough, and the Board of Supervisors

should have had enough by now. As employees and representatives of the people of Sierra County, the
time has come for the supervisors to stand up, honor their oaths of office, and announce to Sacramento that they will not comply. They should not be complicit in the illegal and unconstitutional acts emanating from Sacramento. They should not put Sierra County at risk of incurring federal penalties and sanctions.
The time has come for the supervisors to tell Sacramento that ignoring the rights and wishes of the people comes at a serious cost, and the time has come to look at an alternative to the mono-party system of rule that our state legislative bodies are inflicting on us. Tell Sacramento that the time has come for the state to represent the people. Tell Sacramento that the time has come to protect victims and punish criminals, NO TO SANCTUARY COUNTY AND STATE!
Thomas Dotta, Sierra County

Dear Jan,
I love my Booster! I save so many articles!
Linda Dines Monson
Rancho Cordove, CA

Hi All!
Just a quick note to wish everyone a Wonderful New Year and let all of you know how much I miss everyone!
With Lotsa Love,
Gentle Ben
Gary Snelson

It was brought to my attention, that I need to do a class reunion again in, I am spreading the word through the Booster....It will be held on Aug. 18th. at our place, 19 Edelweiss Dr. Let's do classes up to 1965.... Price: $35 per person/$65 per couple....which includes everything, snacks, adult beverages, food, etc......just show up and catch up with your classmates.

Spread the word, as I don't have everyone's email or address. I need a head count before Aug. 13th.
Call: 530-993-1182, or mail checks to: Annie Terrasas-Fassbender, P.O. Box 801, Loyalton, Ca. 96118.
Lets do this!!
Thanks, and, HAPPY NEW YEAR !! Annie

Letter to the Editor: They Live In Denial
Rebuttal to another fallacy written by McKechnie and poor Ms. Etheredge of Arizona being sucked into his dribble. Your Nation is attacked, you fight back, as we are still doing so today. As far as the crash/recession, this is a VERY abridged version VERY: Recession was NOT caused by G. W. Bush but number 42nd W. J. Clinton, 1993/2001 and the (GSE) Government Sponsored Enterprises, i.e. Freddie Mac & Fannie Mae/housing bubble/mortgage crisis from 1993 to 2008. Clintons plan was to help everyone who could NOT afford a home, a home, knowing full well this was risky and the Clinton administration forcing banking and lending institutions under threat to make something happen, WELL they did, Subprime Loans!
When President Bush took office they were well aware of the situation and had not only warned Congress of the systemic consequences of failure in not reforming the GSE as President Bush stood before Congress and put forward plans to reduce the risk that both Fannie Mae or Freddie Mac, bank and lending institutions would encounter difficulties and failure and they did! In fact, it was Congress that flatly rejected Bush's call for five years in a row to reform the GSE. Over the years, the President's repeated attempts to reform these entities, these attempts were thwarted by the legislative maneuvering by those who emphatically denied there were no problems with the GSE, first with the Democrats who created the mess, then the Republicans, then back to the Democrats not heading the warning from Bush.
The Bush administration knew that when these subprime low, low interest rates returned to normal or at even higher rates to which they did in five years and balloon payments were due, those who bought under subprime loans could no longer afford their home. By the way, subprime loans were later determined to be illegal within itself, HENCE the government's resolve to this problem, SHORT SALE PROGRAM to those home owners and to which the banks and lending in-stitutions lost their collective butts while under Obama
and the Democratic controlled Congress who deepened our debt by their Ten Trillion Dollar boondoggle bailouts putting that burden on the backs of the American People, McKechnie, you can put a dress on a pig but it is still a PIG!
Thank you Slick Willie and Community Organizer for this great leadership! Now you know the rest of the story and the truth!
Michael H. Welbourn

Dear Editor
Re: An open letter to Congressman Doug Lamalfa
This is the single greatest piece of political satire ever written.
You Sir, are a genius!
If, on the other hand this is your genuine belief, I am terrified. You are in serious need of a 8th grade Civics refresher- Separation of Church and State. You are espousing a Christian Theocracy no different than the Imams and Czars you fear so much.
I pray to the Great Flying Spaghetti Monster that nobody read your letter and agreed with it.
Belle Starr Sandwith, Sierra Valley

Dear Jan,
I really enjoy “going home” every two weeks. I had a good talk with Bill Loveridge and he filled me in on life in Loyalton. You do such a good job at keeping things in perspective.
“That Darn Cat,” is Tantor, who is in charge of my house. His coloring says his tuxedo is proper dress for all occasions. His bright intense eyes are very expressive and often stares without blinking when he wants attention. His voice is a clear 'meow' with special volume control for special effect.
But, with all his challenges he is a loving friend and readily jumps on my lap when given the signal of a tap on my knee. He will curl up and sleep soundly on my lap while I read a book or watch TV. His favorite spot to observe the world is on the back of my reclining chair. He stretches out like a lion on a limb and almost smiles. Yes, he is my friend and my “darned cat.”
The volunteer jobs like the monthly “Life Story” and weekly devotions for The Grove keep me on the run. The Redlands Bowl was wonderful this summer and the Redlands Symphony was outstanding. I sing in the church choir and in the Redlands Community Choir; both do fine music.
May this Christmas be good for you and may God's special care give strength and hope to those who lost so much in storms and earthquakes and fire.
Hugh Huntley

Submitted: 12/29/17
Article By: not specified